Why Dulux Accredited?
Whiteys Painting is a Dulux Accredited Painter:
- We are certified and trusted by Dulux
- We recommend and use quality Dulux paint
- We have a professional painting licenses and public liability insurance which is independently verified annually by Ebix Trades Monitor
- We offer our own 5 Year Painter’s Workmanship Warranty on residential paint projects*
As Dulux Accredited Painter we sign and agree to uphold the Dulux Accredited Painter Program Charter of Values that encompasses:
- Integrity
- Client satisfaction
- Excellence
- Sustainable solutions
- Adherence to health and safety legislation
These measures along with a strict selection criteria it gives you the customer the confidence that your Dulux Accredited Painter will complete a quality job delivered in a professional manner from quotation, specification to application.
*Conditions apply. Refer to dedicated Warranty section.
Dulux Accredited Painters. Trusted by Australia’s most trusted paint brand.*
*Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands Survey 2015